i am wearing my safety goggles and my cape

this house is old and empty. this house has broken floors.

I have been here before. I came with the storms. I have weathered these windows and walls.

this house is set for ghosts. this ghost walks softly, slams doors.

tomorrow I am hammer. break windows mirrors and picture frames. all the glass, all the pretty porcelain, all the pieces. these edges are sometimes broken, sometimes teeth.

wednesday I am wind. I came with the storms, whistle through broken windows, fill empty like wind. I am bigger. I am puffed chest, billows. I am bigger. I whistle soft and furious. I slam all the doors on my own, i am bigger.

I am only wind.

this house is old and empty. i broke windows. I broke windows--ran through it making sound.

somewhere there is duct tape, searching for the mouth of wind.


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