feelin saucy

So, I was writing this poem while taking trains and buses all around Chicago, running errands and I was standing in the Post Office prepping packages when I figured out the ending and I had to grab the chained down pen and write "naked, ice cream" on my hand. I hope the lady behind me in line was confused, frightened, excited...what have you.


On Purpose for RQT

Lets have casual sex. I
will talk about the weather. You
can leave your socks on and we
won’t even turn off the light. That way
we can critique one another
fairly. With a critical eye. Like you would
an exhibit at the science museum—like
a diagram in How Things Work and I
will point out my flaws like they were
brush strokes. These stretch marks
may have gone unnoticed if the lights
were off, if Barry Manilow had been on. And after
I make these observations you will use
some great cliché line like No, baby you
are beautiful, (suggesting that my speaking
brush stroke facts negates beauty). And after
you’ve rehearsed your perfect words you will tuck the
script back between the pages of the
Playboy stacks hidden di-rec-tly underneath
the bed we do The Casual Sex upon—smack dab
in the middle of the article titled something like:
Things to say to make her stay. or How to get her
to fuck you. (So...is it now painfully obvious that
I have never read Playboy?) And after
I point out my flaws I will point yours
out too, because the lights are
on and we are being oh-so-casual. I
will say something emasculating
like I never was into guys
with muscles! or Oh, is that fun
for you? proceed to laugh, and then
apologize, but not in full sincerity. I
do not plan on giving you back your balls.
So. Lets have casual sex. Then, after we do,
we can meet up again and this time
lets just go out for ice-cream
and have casual
while I spend my whole scoop
picturing you naked.

Also, help! when I read this one aloud I stumble over brush strokes, but I like the image and I am not sure I can find one to replace it. Suggestions?


  1. I smiled and laughed inside my head (cause laughing out loud for no one to hear ...but now realizing upon typing this that that would have been okay...)...I remember a conversation about this on a long ago adventure and it brought me back to that time where we were finding out about each other more than we already new and still loved each other completely...this 30/30 business has been SO INCREDIBLY enjoyable.
    All the best to where ever you are now xo.

  2. I meant to say that I thought it wouuld be silly to laugh out loud for no one to hear...but realized that would have been just fine. :).

  3. hurrah! I am glad it made you laugh, cos funny is HARD! and I am glad you are enjoying it and I love you so very very much. And I am just barely leaving chicago.

  4. like this one - it made me laugh too.


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