blogs about nothing. weeee.

In correction to my earlier statement:
Texas, in fact, has three federally recognized tribes/reservations. Washington State has twenty-nine. About 3 and 3/4 Washington States could fit into Texas. That means that the ratio would be Washington 108.75 to Texas 3.

Also, I want to have a word with those hospitals and their shitty shitty shitty ER procedures. If I am ever in serious abdominal pain again and think I am going to die, I am going to think twice about going to the ER. And then I will probably die. And I am going to go ahead and blame privatized health care for that. Is that ignorant? Perhaps.

I just now thought "I should sign up for Twitter, or remember my password, so that I can follow the Census and its tweets."

Dork Alert.


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