Gotta move them bones

Something instinctual inside of us knows how to dance. How odd. We make music. Do other species make music? Just to make music? I know there are special mating rituals and calls--some here may argue that our "dance" is a form of mating ritual as well--but I do not know if there are animals that dance without purpose. (note to audience...looking up "dancing animals is so not worth the ten minutes of wasted youtube video watching time).

Not the point! The point is that we dance. That the more we dance, the more we want to dance. That we are born with some innate sense of music and rhythm.

The other day we were visiting a local craft fair that my friend Misha, talented artist extraordinaire,  was exhibiting at and I was running about outside with her son Kazimir. When he heard some music he stopped in his tracks, head cocked to the side to get a better sound-to-ear angle, and once he got the rhythm it was time to get his groove on. We were born to move our wonderful bodies to wonderful sound. When was the last time you unabashedly flailed? In either the private of your home or in public? Go back to those childhood days of endless energy and dance! Here is a throw-back to my elementary dancing days.

definition of inertia


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