
A short list of observations/thoughts from tonight's ATX poetry slam:
  • Anis is pretty much awesome at pac-man
  • Why have an event start at a time if it never starts at that time? Is a late starting event a self-perpetuating monster of slowly increasing tardiness? Resulting in ever-later start times? Resulting in further encouraged tardiness? Causing even later start times? So people show up later than ever....
  • Most slam masters remind me of one particular slam master I used to know quite well. I wonder if it is the nature of memory or the nature of slam masters.
  • Why go to a poetry event if you aren't going to listen to any other person's poems?
  • Why poetry? Is poetry egotistical? 
  • What would  happen if somebody signed up to Slam and did not use "the old standards" up on stage?
  • Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz is one funny, talented lady. She made me laugh so hard I lost my breath. 
And to go a little more introspective...I wonder if letting go of my faith all those years back has cultivated in me an inability to really believe in anything. I can't seem to get behind a cause or a movement or even find a hobby I am willing to get excited about. Some of it is my personality. I tend to only like to do things if I know I can succeed at them. This keeps me from doing very many things. I also tend to enter states of analytical paralysis. Once, when I was a child my mom asked me a question on video camera and it took me so long to answer ("I'm THINKING!!") that she finally just faded out on my small, thinking self. But, part of it might be that I don't want to invest so much into something again. I do not regret my years spent as a god-fearing christian. I am simply curious if my past faith and my current lack of faith have any effect on my lack of passion and purpose. 

Here is a sweet ass video of Cristin doin' some sweet ass funny poetry stuff:


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