A short list of observations/thoughts from tonight's ATX poetry slam:
Here is a sweet ass video of Cristin doin' some sweet ass funny poetry stuff:
- Anis is pretty much awesome at pac-man
- Why have an event start at a time if it never starts at that time? Is a late starting event a self-perpetuating monster of slowly increasing tardiness? Resulting in ever-later start times? Resulting in further encouraged tardiness? Causing even later start times? So people show up later than ever....
- Most slam masters remind me of one particular slam master I used to know quite well. I wonder if it is the nature of memory or the nature of slam masters.
- Why go to a poetry event if you aren't going to listen to any other person's poems?
- Why poetry? Is poetry egotistical?
- What would happen if somebody signed up to Slam and did not use "the old standards" up on stage?
- Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz is one funny, talented lady. She made me laugh so hard I lost my breath.
Here is a sweet ass video of Cristin doin' some sweet ass funny poetry stuff:
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