
I got an email yesterday from a dear friend in Mexico who said she was personally thankful for me. So simple was the gesture, and yet so meaningful. In a world inundated with immediacy and efficient mass-communication capabilities (ie. the blanket text, the impersonal email, the facebook blast) it is nice to know that there are still people on the planet who slow down long enough to make the moment personal. Out of all the different thanksgiving wishes i received, all appreciated, this one was the most memorable, stood out the most, because of one simple word: my name. She used my name. She sent this specific email just to me.
It inspired me.
When I got home to my freezing Austin house--yes it gets cold in Austin you non-believing northerners--there was a sweet thanksgiving card in the mail from my mom: the queen of cards. I feel loved. I want to practice sending small messages of love to the people in my life. It is such a simple way to spread good cheer.


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