Growing Up

When we came back from thanksgiving we found out two things in as many days:
1) the heat in our house does not seem to be working. With overnight temperatures dropping below freezing, I feel fairly confident this can be considered a "problem."
2) we have rats. in our attic. and falling down our walls. I am also certain this can be catagorized under "problem."

I am starting to think that being a grown-up is a bad idea. Let us move backwards then. When we considered it a "problem" when somebody wasn't playing fair at Loopin' Louie or the monster under the bed was a problem. Back to when deciding whether we wanted to buy the popsicle on the way to the donut shop or on the way home was a "problem." When doing homework was a "problem." Scraped knees. Lost Monopoly pieces. Incomplete Fire Safety Escape drawings. Not high enough allowances. The neighborhood boys. Give me those problems back.

I officially resign from this whole "adult" thing please.

I have to join Linked In for my job. Do you think that when I look through my facebook pictures I can't find a single one that is considered "work appropriate" suggests anything about my person? Do you think I am in the wrong proffession? Should I use the one where I am hula-hooping in my wedding dress or the picture where I am making that horrendous face while eating a shaved ice? The one where I am playing scrabble with a dog? Wearing a clown nose? This does not bode well for my professional career. Although it does give me a glimmer of hope. It seems I have not successfully entered the adult world quite yet.


  1. Damn those Loopin' Louie cheaters. You know who you are.

    I miss you Alexis. I hope the rats freeze to death before you and Anis do.

    Love, Trace


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