Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk

By David Sedaris

First, a simple praise to the library for allowing me to read all these books I would have probably not purchased on my own. Now, I have long known, loved, appreciated the library but in the two years since I moved to Austin something has been amiss. Somehow (constantly changing addresses, bizarre branch hours, no texas ID) every time I went to the library I did not manage to get a library card. I still read books. Kindle books and Anis books and bought books and borrowed books. But I did not have the freedom of just taking, giving back, and taking some more. And now that I am back in the library game I can officially say it was a sorely missed part of my life. Once, my friend Jon said sex was like a strange beast that you never really missed when you were not having it (he might be the only guy I know that feels that way about sex) but once you were having it you just wanted it ALL THE TIME. That is how I feel about the library.

Alright. This books is an odd little collection of fablesque stories that usually star two or more animals in...well, I wouldn't say in human situations. More like Sedaris uses anthropomorphism to tell uncomfortable stories. And, of course, the moral lesson at the end of the tale is usually unsettling. There is something uncanny about this book. Some parts are disturbing. Not that I mind. Especially because when you ask "is it necessary?" well--this is not really a plot driven story or even a character focused story. These are little snippets of stories that, like I said, are written more like fables but the characters, lessons and messages are sort of dark and often humorous. Sedaris uses these quick and sometimes gross(but in a good way?) snippets of stories to make social commentary and satire.

Fun and cringe worthy. I will probably be thinking of this book in the future, so it has more staying power than plenty of other books I have read! I can't get the image of a greased-up hamster waiting to be shoved into a hippo's anus by knowledge-seeking owl out of my head! Now do you want to read it?


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