poetry month late

I didn't hear about the 30/30 till about 2 days ago. I'll start my own, and start it late. To be fair, I will try and pull from writing that I did on those dates. And quote directly. I heard this 30/30 challenge was supposed to be sans edit. So. Welcome to it. Nobody asked for it.

I dreamed of bears and of
not hating the past tense of dream.
I dreamed of bear wrestling and advertisements so
suddenly I am there, with this man
who wrestles bears. And bad turns
quickly to worse when one child goes
missing and the bikini-clad girls are
called onto the scene to distract the bears.
Fast forward this dream (wasn't it Flaubert that
said only dullards tell others their dreams?) bikini-clad
lady gets bit on the lip, baby-biting-bear
turns into demonic child while bikini-lady
tries to stretch off the baby-bear/child's face. In
the end we all drown in an old pontiac driven
by a man who keeps asking "why didn't you
answer my email?!" I'll tell you
why. Cos you're a crazy fuck. And when I was
a child--but not a baby bear--the doctors told me
to write down my dreams, so they wouldn't be
scary anymore.


  1. this one is lonely as it didnt have a comment. there was no comment not becuase i didn tlike it (cuz i did), i just didnt have a comment for it.
    but here's what i know:
    i like poems about dreams and i like poems about bears


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