Refrain stolen from Joe's facebook status update
Dead bird under the bed
Have you heard me of late? Sleep comes like a shipwreck these days and the wind
oh the wind, how it pulls at my sails.
I do not believe that this is a matter of song although your voice--
you sing like the whole
gospel choir.
Dead bird under the bed
I have been counting your babies this spring
necks crooked-bent on sidewalk lines
tiny feather, just fistfuls of string, rest slick against pink balloon-stretched skin.
their eyes are always closed.
their eyelids a drowned blue.
They are broken on sidewalks in every city I visit
so far, twenty-seven have tried to fly.
Dead bird under the bed
I do not remember how your eyes went missing
just how those holes look all empty and black, and how you started to sing one day
sad and slow. Familiar southern songs
singing the sun to rise.
you sing tales of shipwrecks or necks bent wrong-angled
and how I started to steal those songs to name them Dream.
Dead bird under the bed
I never did know you alive so
it isn't so much about missing you as it is
missing the potential you and knowing that these songs,
these sad sweet songs are mine and that this silence
this long and still black silence is yours and
I do not really know where your eyes have gone.
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